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2023 - The Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund Awards a $500.00 Book Scholarship to a Local Student


The Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund is proud to announce that a student has been selected to receive the $500.00 Book Scholarship. Zoue Elan Eke is a freshman at Fisk University and a Dayton Public Schools graduate. Zoue graduated with a 4.26 GPA and was in the upper 10 percent of her class and has been selected as a scholarship recipient to receive the Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund (DIAC/UNCF) $500.00 Book Scholarship. Zoue is currently a Political Science major at Fisk and is interested in becoming a lawyer.  


In her essay that she had to write to obtain this scholarship, she shares that, "My future career goals include becoming a criminal defense lawyer, working in civil rights, and opening up a law firm. I acquired my career aspirations by taking many social science classes throughout my years in high school and learning about the legal system's shortcomings in cases involving minorities. By becoming a defense attorney, I can prevent the imprisonment of people who are
already at an unfair advantage. Once I have years of experience and an incredible career, I plan to open a law firm."

Zoue's community service involves working in her church, reading the announcements and the scriptures every fourth Sunday, and volunteering with the Flower Outreach Ministry. Her work experiences include working in the Freedom School at Grace United Methodist Church. 

Zoue wrote in her essay that, “Throughout my life, my family has taught me that education is the key to unlocking new doors.
My goal for continuing my education after high school is to gain knowledge and skills to unlock the doors of my future.”

2022 - The Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund Awards a $500.00 Book Scholarship to a Local Student

commitment to excellence. In addition to her academics, Terri’ Anna has demonstrated at this young age as being a seasoned expert in cross country and track. She was a member of the school’s orchestra and enjoys playing the violin. 

Terri’ is a well-rounded student that gives of herself in community service and volunteers her free time in a local nursing home and for different events at church. Terri’ Anna was involved in “Life is a Circle Mentoring/Tutoring” where she helped tutor at the Middle School, Student Engagement, Peer Tutoring, Peer Mediation, Peer Facilitation, Bagging for Tips, Trash Pick-up and Meal Packaging food for hungry families overseas at the Christian Life Center in Vandalia. Her work experience includes a part-time job during high school as a Sandwich Artist at a local Subway.

Terri’ Anna wrote in her essay that through her High School years that she never lost sight of her “goals” and of who she was. Her closing quote of Maya Angelo reads, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.”


The Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund is proud to announce that a student to receive the $500.00 Book Scholarship has been selected. Terri’ Anna Lewis is a recent 2020 graduate of Northmont Senior High School with a 3.854. She is an Honor Roll student and has been selected as a scholarship recipient to receive the Dayton Inter-Alumni Council of the United Negro College Fund (DIAC/UNCF) $500.00 Book Scholarship. Terri’ Anna will attend Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio in the Fall majoring in Medical Laboratory Sciences and then will go onto Medical School and become a Pediatrician. In her letter that she had to write in part to obtain this scholarship, Terri’ Anna wrote that the odds were against her, but her passion to study and care for children has helped to shape her goal and determination. She stated that receiving the $500.00 Book Scholarship will help to reduce the financial burden on her family and will help in furthering her college career.

Terri’ Anna’s Counselor wrote that she has carried an impressive academic load of classes throughout her high school career. She has excelled and devoted much of her academic career to Science and Math and even became a scholar athlete. It was also noted that her work reflected a strong work ethic and attention to details. Terri’ Anna’s grades and outstanding attendance denoted her

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